Welcome to Brunel Point

Rotherhithe, London

Talk to us

Any problems, or ideas, let us know!

Run by Residents

We’re resident managed, so we always try to act in our resident’s best interests.

Moving in or Out?

Check out our guides to have smooth moving day!

About us and History

Learn more about us and our history.

Brunel Point Management Company

We’re resident run, and professionally managed to give the right mix of responsibility and choice to our residents

Need to get in contact with us?

Latest News

CCTV installation at Brunel Point

We are pleased to let you know that a CCTV system is being installed in the external communal areas of Brunel Point over the next couple of weeks. The directors[…]

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Filming near Brunel Point

Filming is planned near to Brunel Point on Tuesday 10 August 2021 from 08:00-13:00. No filming should take place on Brunel Point itself as the filming is limited to the[…]

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Bins and Recycling

Just a quick reminder as to what can go in the non-food recycling bins on the development. Please see our guides on the FAQ pages, and this link to the[…]

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Contact us

Get in touch with us using the form below if you have any questions and aren’t a registered resident.

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