Ground Works 2021 – Completed

Ground Works 2021 – Completed

We’re pleased to announce that the ground works have been completed. Thank you for your cooperation and patience while the works were undertaken.

The following has been done:

  1. Installation of new Sheffield style bike racks near Clarence Mews entry gate, in front of 25-32 Raleigh Court and in Nelson Court
  2. New outlines for car parking spots have been added and all spots have been relabelled to match flat numbers and visitor parking
  3. Levelling of all unsafe areas of block paving
  4. Replacement of some raised tree root gratings with tree friendly resin
  5. Filling in some unused tree pits
  6. Repairs of uneven walkways
  7. Replacement of Public area surface near to Octagon Court

We hope you agree that the works have been worth it and are a good step forwards in keeping our development looking good and safe for our residents.

Do note:

  • We will keep the number of bike racks under review, and are assessing if more can be installed and where these can be situated.
  • Car parking slots and numbers have been reset to the original layout subject to some very minor changes. These numbers will last a long time as they are plastic melted to the brick rather than paint. A couple of parking spots have been missed as cars were not moved, however this will be fixed in the future.
  • Most uneven paths or degraded joints should now be fixed.
  • Tree pits have been filled where necessary, and gratings removed with resin filled in. This should make parking easier, while also allowing trees to continue to thrive and grow. The Directors will consider replacing more grates in the future to continue this upgrade as costs allow, and we will be looking to re-plant paving friendly trees where possible.
  • The public area surface between Mountbatten Court and Octagon Court has been replaced with a gravelled area, removing the trip hazard the slabs previously represented, and improving the look of the area.

The Directors will be assessing whether further works are needed in the future, and we will continue to evaluate what works need to be done to ensure the development is well maintained and kept looking smart.

the Directors of Brunel Point Management Company