Moving in or out of Brunel Point

The process for moving in or out of Brunel Point differs slightly depending on if you are purchasing one of the Houses or the Flats. If you are moving into one of the Houses or Flats as a tenant (and your landlord is the owner) then you should follow any processes set out by your landlord or their agent, however we also have a few pointers in the lists below that are applicable to everyone.

  • Owners – Let Brunel Point (via HML) know as soon as possible of your plans.
    • There are several forms and documents required, and consents are also required from Brunel Point to sell your property. The earlier you tell us, the easier it will be for the documentation to be prepared in good time, and any consents which are required can be dealt with.
    • It is also good to tell your solicitor / conveyancer (and your buyer!) early on about the management company so they can engage with us promptly and help you structure your sale/purchase correctly.
  • Owners – Ensure you are up to date with all service charge payments to Brunel Point. Contact HML to confirm your status.
  • All – Do not cause damage to communal areas when bringing your belongings in or out of the building. We share these spaces, and it increases costs for everyone (including tenants) when we have to do additional maintenance to repair damage. Accidents happen but please do try to be careful.
  • All – Try to keep noise to a reasonable level – Brunel Point is a quiet development and noise carries easily. While moving in and out is not a quiet operation generally, if you can keep noise to a minimum, it’ll be much appreciated.
  • All – Try to be considerate with moving vehicles – we don’t have lots of road space within Brunel Point and along Rotherhithe Street, so please try to not block access ways where possible.
  • All – Dispose of unwanted items in advance, and make sure all rubbish is put into the communal bins (and not left anywhere else). Significant waste (appliances, building materials etc) should be taken by you to the Southwark Recycling Centre, or taken away by your contractors for commercial disposal.