The Brunel Point Management Company AGM will be held virtually on 20 January 2021. In this difficult year we will be holding the meeting virtually to keep risk to a minimum, but still ensure that everyone can attend, discuss and participate. Do note that this meeting is only open to shareholders of the development (owners of the flats or houses only).

As normal, the AGM will consist of a the formal AGM covering off requirements of the Companies Act and Company Law, and will be followed by an informal update as to what has been going on with the development this year, what upcoming plans are, and a chance for the owners to ask questions and discuss matters that concern them between themselves, with the directors, and HML.

Please contact HML if you have not received the AGM notice information either in the post or via email (depending on how you usually receive such information from us). Please refer to the latest documents shared as a draft set were incorrectly circulated in error.

Please do submit any questions in writing (as set out in the notice of the AGM) so we can prepare answers for you. Do note that you are welcome to ask questions on the night, but we cannot undertake that we will be give you a comprehensive answer without the ability to review documents etc in advance.

We look forwards to speaking and seeing you all on the video conference!

the Directors of Brunel Point Management Company