CCTV installation at Brunel Point

CCTV installation at Brunel Point

We are pleased to let you know that a CCTV system is being installed in the external communal areas of Brunel Point over the next couple of weeks. The directors of BPMC have worked on this on behalf of the other residents in order to increase the security of the development and surrounding area.

We hope that the installation works will not cause an inconvenience to residents, and while the contractor will try to keep work areas clean and tidy, we ask that residents take extra care during works to avoid any cabling or associated equipment that may be present during installation. Please note that there may be some disruption and additional noise caused, but this is required to mount cameras and other equipment, and to ensure cabling can be mounted securely and in a tidy way.

Please also leave visitor parking spaces free for the contractors vehicles so that the installation can proceed.

The CCTV system will provide a blanket coverage across the site and run 24/7 recording footage. It is hoped that the CCTV system and related signage around the development, will help to deter and prevent anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping and other undesirable activity on and around Brunel Point. Residents should continue to report any suspicious activity to the police in the first instance who will then work with BPMC to acquire CCTV footage if required.

BPMC will be issuing a CCTV policy in due course to provide further details regarding the management of the system and CCTV footage.

Should you have any queries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Directors of Brunel Point Management Company Limited