Policies and Byelaws

BPMC has in place several policies and bylaws covering the development to help things run smoothly and maintain the look and feel of the area. These policies supplement and aim to explain how some of the clauses applicable to your home work in practice, and supplement but do not overrule that which is set out in your lease or freehold title.

The following policies, rules and required consent forms apply to the development:

BPMC reserves the right to alter these policies at any time, without notice. Please do follow the procedure and provide any documents required under the policies. If you are considering works or doing something which engages with these policies, it is best to engage with BPMC and HML as early as possible so that you are not held up waiting for consents (where required) or so you can make changes as are required to comply with the terms of BPMCs policies and the terms of your lease or covenants in your freehold.

Do note that for the leasehold flats, there are some restrictions on your ability to make material alterations to the leasehold premises – do review you lease and get in contact with HML for more information and to request any required approvals from BPMC.

If you have any comments or input which you would like to give in relation to the policies, please let us know so we can review and amend if required.