Contact Us

Please fill in the form below to get in contact with the Directors, our Managing Agents (HML) or the Website Administrator.

You can also contact our managing agents HML directly on 0207 802 0000 or via, and more details can be found on their website here under the tab for the “Holborn” office.

There is an unofficial Facebook page for the development – which you are free to join and post to if you wish, however please note that this link is provided for your information only and is not an official page supported by or run by BPMC or HML. We give no warranty express or implied as to the accuracy of the information on that page as we have no control over the page, nor undertake to respond to anything posted there. Note that any access to that page will also be subject to separate terms and conditions of use and a separate privacy policy. We thank those who administer this page to allow discussions to happen there informally.

    Contact Us

    How can we help?

    Let us know who you'd like to contact, and feel free to ask a question or simply leave a comment. You'll need to verify the email address you provide, but we only use this to prevent spam and so we can reply to you.

    Your Details

    Let us know how to get back to you.