
The running of Brunel Point is a team effort as it is run by residents for and on behalf of residents. Here’s a summary of the key people involved:

Board of Directors

Brunel Point Management Company (“BPMC“) has a Board of Directors who meet regularly to discuss and decide how to deal with matters affecting the development, and how best to deal with long-term maintenance and upgrade projects across the development, as well as to ultimately approve BPMCs finances, approve expenditure, and deal with legal matters. An AGM is held each year where Shareholders (owners) are invited to come along and learn about what has been going on, what plans are for the coming year, and to ask any other questions or offer to get involved with the development. All of the directors own residences at Brunel Point (and also live on the site), and there is a mix of people from across all of the different “parts” of the development. All directors are volunteers who give their time for free to help run the development, and must be owners of a residence to be allowed to be a director – and voted into their position at an AGM.

Managing Agents

HML are appointed by Brunel Point Management Company to help manage the property on a day to day basis and take care of the service charges and other administrative matters, as well as lending their experience and advice in running large developments, for the board of directors to consider and decide upon. HML will be most residents main point of contact for day to day matters.


The Owners and Residents of Brunel Point are also a key part of making the development work efficiently and effectively and to continue to make Brunel Point a great place to live in Central London. While owners can interact directly with BPMC and HML, non-owner residents should contact their landlord/lady in the first instance if they have a problem, although the guidance on this website is very likely applicable to them as well given their landlords/ladys responsibilities, rights and obligations to BPMC.

You can contact the Board, the Managing Agents and the Webmaster via the contact form, and you can reach out directly to HML – more details are on our contact us page.


The HML management portal is here.