Car and Bike Parking

Bike Racks

Bike Racks are provided next to the Clarence Mews entry gate, and next to the central staircase of Raleigh Court and in Nelson Court. BPMC keeps the level of use of Bike racks under review and is considering installing more provided there is enough demand for them and a suitable site can be identified.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Please ensure you lock you bike properly to the racks to prevent thefts.
  • Please don’t attach your bike to trees or lamp posts. We reserve the right to remove bikes attached to trees or lamp posts without notice.
  • Please do note that by attaching your bike to any bike rack or anywhere else on Brunel Point, that BPMC reserves the right to remove that bike and lock if necessary and after reasonable effort has been spent to request the owner of the bike to remove it.

Car Parking

Car parking is provided but is limited at Brunel Point given our location in central London. We are very lucky that we generally have enough parking spaces for all our residents cars, and ask that residents are reasonable, fair and accommodating when dealing with each other regarding parked cars.

Some items to note:

  • parking at the Riverside blocks, Nelson Court and Raleigh Court is allocated in each flat’s lease documentation;
  • spaces are clearly marked with the flat number for that space;
  • there is a map below of the layout of all spaces;
  • there have been some very minor changes to parking recently (2021) to reset parking allocations to original, as there had been some confusion over parking space allocations over time – the recent works reset all spaces to their original layout, and this was decided to be the fairest way to do it;
  • parking allocations will not be formally changed due to the prohibitive costs of changing numbering on the ground and updating leases etc;
  • visitor parking spaces are generally to be used for visitors to the development (delivery vans, people visiting residents, and vehicles used by tradespeople for example) and not for the regular usual use by residents cars; and
  • please be considerate, and avoid using another person’s parking space without speaking to them first – while occasional use for short periods of time for a good reason is likely to not be a problem, please do consider the effect of your actions on the other residents – everything works better if we are all considerate, reasonable and helpful to each other.

Please find below a plan of Brunel Point with all of the parking bays marked. The parking space allocations are all now clearly marked on the ground at each space.

Each residence was provided with 1 of the relevant security fob / remote / pass for the section of the development that they need access to, when they were originally sold or upgraded. If you are not able to access the car parks, please contact HML to request the required security fob (please note a charge for supplying the relevant fob will apply).